Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 14: I'm still here!

Well, It's a good thing my plan was to "read the whole Bible in a year" and not "to read the Bible everyday for a year!" Otherwise, I'd be seriously off-track!  I'm going back to school for Residential Design & Planning and right now I'm enrolled in a Basic Drafting class.  Killer workload!  I was up past my bedtime 4 nights last week!  (One night til 1:30am!) I finished my work for last week and have started to get a jump on this week, so I'm coming back to my Bible reading for a bit.
Today we're looking at Day 14:  Genesis 11:27-31
This talks about Terah, who was Noah's great, great, great, great, great, great grandson. (I think that's the right # of greats!)  Terah was Abram's father.  It mentions here that he is also the grandfather of Lot.  I'm not familiar with Terah, but I do know who Abram and Lot are!  It also mentions here that Abram's wife was Sarai.  I know who she is too!
That was a short one!  Day 15 will be longer!

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