Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 6- I got nothin'!

Today's reading:  1 Chronicles 1:5-7--Begatting down Noah's line!  I'm gonna take a much needed rest!  See you tomorrow!


  1. When your will is God's will, you will have your will. I hope you are better rested today as I look forward to Day 7.

  2. Thanks, Yami! Coming up soon! =)

  3. Here's a questions related to all this "begatting": Why is the paternal lineage noted throughout the Bible, but the determining factor on whether you're Jewish by heritage runs through the mother's bloodline? I only know that because my mom was raised as a Jew, as was her mother, and her mother before that. And, I was told growing up that even though I am a Christian by faith, by heritage I am Jewish as will my children, but that only a daughter will carry that on. I thought that might peek your interest, Jen!

  4. That is an interesting question, Stacey. Has Jewish heritage always run through the mother's bloodline? I will continue to ponder this. My friend, Donna is Jewish and knowledgeable about her faith maybe I can get her over here to weigh in.

  5. It is indeed true - Jewish heritage is through is a maternal line. This was one of the issues that we pondered in Confirmation class: In Judaism, lineage is maternal but in Christianity, it is paternal. So, if a non-Jewish woman marries a Jewish man, what is their religious heritage?

    I am sorry that it took me so long to reply - haven't really been perusing FB much these days.
