Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 12 & 13 Why Can't We Be Friends?

Day 12:  Genesis 11:1-26- This starts with the story of the tower of Babel.  These people made bricks and were building a city with a tower that reached up to the heavens.  11:5 It says, "God came down."  So we are still seeing evidence of God on earth.  11:6 God said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them."  Isn't this true of about any group that gets along and works cohesively together?  Nothing can stop them.  Think of "the church".  I don't mean my church or your church specifically--but the church as a whole, all the representatives of the kingdom of God- can you imagine if we all worked together for the good of the Lord?  As Nicky Gumbel, a vicar in the Church of England and speaker for the Alpha program said about the different denominations, "What unites us is far greater than what divides us."  Imagine if we all concentrated on that.  Anyway--God confused their language and scattered them over the earth.
Verses 10-26 are the lineage of Shem, Noah's son, down to Abraham
Day 13: 1 Chronicles 1:24-27- A recap of the lineage of Shem

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